I hate goodbyes

I hate goodbyes, so don't think I don't care if I don't spend hours in long tearful embraces or lingering kisses. It's just not my thing. I don't like saying goodbye. And why say goodbye, in the first place? It's not like we're not going to see each other again. It's a small world. One way or another, we are going to meet again -- in this life or another.
Goodbyes for me are endings. I don't like endings, especially with people I hold so dear. For me, saying goodbye is putting an end to a relationship, closing a book, so to speak. If I say goodbye to you, that means I am closing my life to you, that you are no longer part of my world.
So know that if I don't say goodbye, it means I still want you in my life. And I'd rather say, "Till we meet again," and look forward to that day when we do see each other again and make it seem like I didn't leave at all.
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