Let LOVE truly win

Last June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States of America, in a landmark decision, ruled that all bans on same-sex marriage in all states are unconstitutional. This means gay and lesbian couples can now marry in all 50 states.

The world rejoiced and social media erupted in colorful rainbows. Of course, there were also those who were not as happy, which is not really any less surprising.

With issues like this, there will always be a divide. I can accept and respect that. What I cannot accept is the mudslinging that happens between these groups; the name-calling, the sweeping generalizations, and the sometimes idiotic debates where the parties only seek to speak and not listen or understand. It all eventually becomes personal, and, for some, ruins relationships.

Is it really so hard to agree to disagree? Must every post supporting one side be marred with hateful and preachy posts from those espousing the other side? Can one not express their opposition without being called hurtful names and labels?

Last time I checked, this is a free world we live in. Can we not all live and let live?

I support this decision for I believe in equality. While I know that Yaku and Tating now are of the male persuasion, who knows how they will grow up to be. Whether they continue to be straight or find that they swing the other way, it doesn't matter to me. What matters is they are afforded the same rights as everybody else does. No room for hate in this household, which have had its fair share of hate in the past. If you do not agree with my stand, I respect you and I hope you respect me by not condemning me and my family to hell.

If we all truly want love to win, then we must let it.


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